Some Thoughts on Women’s Day

As I conducted a Women’s Safety Training session this morning, we discussed how the major reason why women are not safe today is because of the patriarchal mindset that prevails all over the world. Most men have not been taught to hear no, especially not from a woman. A woman who speaks her mind will be labelled as a feminist. In the workplace, an assertive woman will get labelled as a b****. And in fact, patriarchy is so deeply ingrained in some communities, that women become the ones to put another woman ‘in her place’.  Made me realised how deep the thought behind the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day goes.

When we look at the state of the world today, what do we see? We see nations fighting each other for financial control, military control and power. If we look at communities, each one is vying to put the other one down and truly believing that they are the only ones who are right. And in most homes, for all major decisions like finances and discipline, the man has the last word. Strength, dominance, aggressiveness and if someone doesn’t agree with you, violence…. characteristics traditionally associated with the masculine energy rule.

Balance For Better. These words are so simple yet so deep. What the world now needs is a dose of feminine energy to balance this skewed power structure. The world needs more empathy, compassion, gentleness, sensitivity and tolerance, not only for fellow humans but for the planet as a whole.

So how does one get this balance? When we talk of a balance between the masculine and feminine, we aren’t talking about male and female genders, we’re talking about the masculine and feminine energy within. Each of us has both within us. One can be strong, yet compassionate. One can be assertive without being dominant. One can be an effective leader, and win hearts with our sensitivity and gentleness.

At this point, I will first address women. We, women, are where the change starts. We set examples by what we accept and allow in our workplaces and even more in our homes. We set the precedents for the next generation to follow.

So can we take a look at the existing templates? How are gender roles defined in our homes? Does equality exist in the way we bring up our children? Do children in our homes see equality between their parents? Women who allow/accept verbal or physical abuse are teaching their sons that its ok to do that. Their daughters learn that one must not protest and stay quiet because that’s how it is. And very often love is the justification, keeping peace is the reason. No! Love and peace cannot and does not imply that one is lesser than the other. This is where the woman has to connect with the masculine within her. Assertiveness is not indiscipline. Asking for independence in thought and action is not overstepping boundaries.

And now for the men. Expressing one’s compassionate and sensitive side does not make one a sissy. Supporting gender sensitivity makes one an equalist. It just makes one more human.

Homes where both parents have achieved the inner balance of their masculine and feminine energies are ideal homes for the next generation. Instead of learning some characteristics from one parent and some from the other, children see both parents as two whole and complete individuals who are in complete harmony. Idealistic? Not really. It’s possible. We just have to start. One step at a time. One home at a time.

Disclaimer: If I have ruffled any feathers here, I’m not apologetic. This is my blog and these are my thoughts. 😊

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