Building Bridges

Relationships. Probably one of the most important aspects of a person’s life, be it friendship, love or a parent-child relationship. A relationship between two people can be equated with a bridge over a river. The two people are like the two banks of the river. Each one independent of each other, living their own lives.... Continue Reading →

Ray of Hope

#Worldmenstrualhygeineday   Strange coincidence that today my househelp shared that her eldest daughter has “come of age” just yesterday. This young girl stays in the village with her grandparents and studies there. A gifted artist, she has participated in many drawing and painting competitions and won prizes. Her name had been published in the local... Continue Reading →

Lessons From a Broken Phone

My phone went swimming yesterday! Well, actually a bottle of water I was carrying spilt its contents into my purse and drenched everything. Normally I would have gone into panic mode, but I found myself calmly taking out the contents of my purse, spreading them out on a bench (I was out for a visit... Continue Reading →

People and flowers…

I went for a morning walk after ages yesterday. And as I walked around in my colony, at one spot there was this strong fragrance. I looked up to see huge pink flowers of Bauhinia on the tree to my right, but the fragrance was not from them. The fragrance was from the long stemmed... Continue Reading →

Receiving with love

Every time you think you know yourself better, something comes up and you realise there are many more breakthroughs to make. Recently, I complimented a friend on the smart bag that she was carrying and enquired about the make and place from where she got it. She surprised me with her “Take it. It’s yours!”... Continue Reading →


"बातचीत".... यू तो शब्द ही है, पर की जाए तो... दिलो के कई मैल धुल जाते हैं !! Communication…It’s merely a word. But when put into action, it can wash away so much negativity from the heart. When I received this message this morning, I was full of thoughts and emotions. बातचीत or communication. Isn’t... Continue Reading →

Giving a space to BE…

When you say "I heard you".....did you just hear or did you listen? When you say "I got your point".....did you just get it or did you understand? Often times, we think that if a person has come to us and is complaining, they want a solution. And then, instead of listening, we just start... Continue Reading →

Everyone teaches us…

Some thoughts running in my mind today.... When we say 'Teacher', most of us have the classic image of the women and men who teach children in schools. But as we grow older, we realise that all through life, we meet people who teach us the more important life lessons. The people who love us,... Continue Reading →

Fences and Boundaries

Boundaries… Fences… Walls...  Things that hold us back. Have you ever experienced a feeling of being fenced in? Restricted? As having limitations? A feeling that somewhere beyond those fences and boundaries is a You that you want to find? Recently at a workshop, a teacher asked, What stops you from doing what you want to... Continue Reading →

Need or Want?

A conversation about needing and wanting people got me thinking.... A lot of us go through life needing someone at some stage. Why do we need people? Is it because there’s something that we lack in ourselves and they fill that gap? Once in a way may not be such a bad thing, but someone... Continue Reading →

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