Building Bridges

Relationships. Probably one of the most important aspects of a person’s life, be it friendship, love or a parent-child relationship. A relationship between two people can be equated with a bridge over a river. The two people are like the two banks of the river. Each one independent of each other, living their own lives.... Continue Reading →

Some Thoughts on Women’s Day

#BalanceForBetter As I conducted a Women's Safety Training session this morning, we discussed how the major reason why women are not safe today is because of the patriarchal mindset that prevails all over the world. Most men have not been taught to hear no, especially not from a woman. A woman who speaks her mind... Continue Reading →

Chai pe charcha

A tree with an ad hoc temple. A tea stall. And a slowly growing heap of garbage. Most customers at the tea stall seem to be young men and women living in nearby apartments out for a Sunday morning chat over chai and poha or those like me waiting for a bus. Every time someone... Continue Reading →

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